From the site: Box Canyon Blog .com - Many Options On The "Many Pools" Hike
The hike up Many Pool's canyon(s) can be as easy or hard as you feel like making it. But one thing is for sure, it is a slap-in-the-face gorgeous trek.I could see myself doing a cannonball into a couple of the deeper pools if the water was just a wee little bit warmer… say like in September or early October. We caught Maples wrapped in their full glory this year, instead of half naked. I don't know why Colorado doesn't have Maples. Why would they stop at the state line. Same with Manzanita, with its lovely bleeding red bark. And while I'm asking questions for which there seem to be no answers, why do some people love to surround themselves in red rocks?We spooked a Big Horn Sheep ram with a nice set of horns in one canyon.Chris ...Read more...
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